$275 - 12 to 15 digital imagesIndividual, Couple, Family, Graduation, Birthdays, ETC

$400 - 15 digital images

Individual, Couple, Family, Graduation, Birthdays, ETC

Portrait with Animal

$550 - 15 digital images

$300 - 12 to 15 digital images, set up, & cakeBirthday Portraits

$500 - 15 digital images, set up, & cake

Birthday Portraits

Cakesmash with Animal

$650 - 15 digital images, set up, cake, & 1 animal

$290 - 12 to 15 digital images & gowns28 to 36 weeks pregnant is the perfect time to take maternity portraits

$400 - 15 digital images

28 to 36 weeks pregnant is the perfect time to take maternity portraits

Maternity with Animal

$500 - 15 digital images & 1 animal

$500 - 12 to 15 digital images, set up, & props5 to 12 days old is the perfect age for newborn portraits!

$800 - 12 to 15 digital images, set up, & props

5 to 12 days old is the perfect age for newborn portraits!

There will be a retainer fee required to reserve your date and time. The retainer fee is a non-refundable deposit to hold your spot for a session or rental. If you need to reschedule then you will have to pay the remaining balance or pay a new retainer fee. the retainer fee will count towards your total cost. The amount depends on the price of your package.